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For thirty years, the Women's Help Center has been at the forefront of assisting area victims and their children through the crisis of domestic violence.

Victims of domestic violence deserve the most immediate and expert response available. With a legacy rich with compassion and a history of proven expertise, the Center continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of victims.

It is the commitment of the Women's Help Center to support the right of an individual not to be battered or abused and to strive for the personal growth and development of all victims. The program recognizes abuse as taking multiple forms that include physical abuse as well as psychological, sexual, social, and economic abuse. Victims are assisted by the provision of options, resources, educative and supportive services, empowerment counseling, and emergency shelter.

The program is certified by the Bureau of Community and Program Licensure Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure to provide drug and alcohol intervention, prevention education, and related activities.

Feeling Thankful

Today all of us at the Women’s Help Center, like most Americans, can count many reasons to be thankful.

So far this year, the center has helped 2515 domestic violence victims and their children find safe shelter, receive counseling and obtain the services necessary to break free from their abuser and set off on the path to peace and independence.

In 2013 the Women’s Help Center will celebrate 35 years of assisting tens of thousands of area women, men and children, who utilize program services, build new lives and move from the position of victim to that of survivor, living violence free.

And we will celebrate 35 years of being nourished by the generosity and support that this community provides through monetary donations, participating in fundraising events and contributing thousands of hours of volunteer time and expertise to the Center.

I wish I could tell you that after nearly four decades, the need for this life saving work is winding down and that the demand for domestic violence services is dwindling.

Unfortunately, quite the opposite is true.

During the past year, there was a 125% increase in counseling hours provided to victims and witnesses, nearly 2300 days of emergency shelter were provided and there was a 45% increase in legal advocacy efforts.

Exactly why are the numbers up? Is it the result of a struggling economy? Is it an increasingly violent society? Could it be an increased awareness of the crime of domestic violence? Is it some other reason or a combination of reasons? I can’t tell you why, exactly.

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