Our Mission:
Transforming lives by providing empowerment, supportive services, education, hope, and the tools to build a better life.

A Local Family Needs You
It is certainly no secret. It's not even news. The entire country is suffering the effects of a serious downturn in the economy and the local area has been harder hit than many. Like other non-profit agencies, the WHC has been seriously impacted. Funding decreases coupled with the escalating costs associated with operating a large 24-hour facility have made it extremely difficult to meet the ever-increasing requests for services. Fortunately, the WHC has maintained the scope and level of service delivery without interruption, reduction or elimination of any of the many life-saving services.
However, one very important ancillary project is at risk, the Family Sponsorship Program. This program benefits only those served by the WHC who have moved from the position of victim to that of survivor and are living violence free. Although they have overcome many obstacles in their quest for peace and safety, one major stumbling block often remains-financial constraints. Purchasing food for a holiday meal or gifts for children is next to impossible for these survivors.
Family Sponsors help to alleviate some of that burden and bring holiday joy to those who would otherwise have none. Participation is simple. Anyone interested in sponsoring a family is asked to call the WHC and obtain a list of family needs.
Sponsors then purchase the items they select from the wish list and deliver the gifts to the WHC. The grateful beneficiary families collect the items from the WHC and enjoy them in the comfort of their own surroundings.
Helping those in need is heart wrenching and heartwarming all at the same time. Why not consider being a part of this worthwhile project? Call the WHC for details @ 814- 536-5361.